Member Information
The fee values were reviewed at The Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 3rd September 2024,
and remain as follows:
Playing Members*
Playing members over 35 years membership - free
Playing members between 30-34 years membership - £17.50
Playing members under 30 years membership - £35.00
Playing members still undergoing full time education or under 18 - £17.50
Associate Members*
Associate Members over 35 years membership - free
Associate Members between 30-34 years membership - £8.75
Associate members under 30 years membership - £17.50
There will still be the pro rata fees for new members whose first season starts after the Christmas break and these will be £17.50 for players and £8.75 for associates. Those who pay the full £35.00 may pay this in two installments if they wish. 1st one by mid October, and 2nd one by Mid February.
Members may pay electronically now to remain covid safe either bank transfer - details on request to the treasurer or via paypal on dundeesrs@aol.com / https://www.paypal.me/dundeesrs
N.B. Pro rata will not be applicable to current members who through late payment do not pay their subscriptions until after Christmas.
The above will not preclude members who are entitled to discounted membership from paying the full rate if they wish to do so. This difference will be classed as a donation to the orchestra.
the travel allowance remains 28p a mile. .* This along with the annual subscriptions will be reviewed at the next Annual general meeting - scheduled for Tuesday 2nd September 2025 at 7.15pm
Many thanks
Paul D M Kinnear
Dundee Strathspey & Reel Society
* Ratified at the AGM of DSRS on Tuesday 6th September 2022
Next review at next AGM on Tuesday 29th August 2023